Hacks To Transform Your Health Through Good Sleep & Nutrition

wellness Dec 04, 2023
Hacks To Transform Your Health Through Good Sleep & Nutrition


If you know me, you might know that I'm passionate about all things health! Especially when it comes to being the best version of ourselves so we can run amazing businesses. 

I truly believe that what we eat and how we sleep impacts not only how we live our daily lives but how we show up in business. If we are not eating the right foods, if we are tired, we don't sleep deeply and if we don't sleep well, our next day gets affected, including those important business meetings. 

After wrapping up my second business I decided to take a break and do some learning that inspired me before I made my next move. This turned out the be a certification in health coaching (which took a year) as well as mindset coaching. Both of these topics are extremely valuable to me and I wanted to delve deeper into them, for my personal growth. 

What I learnt was the importance of every single thing we consume, be it food, media or conversations with friends or family and how it affects us. I learnt how important it is that we find the individual formula that works for each and every one of us because no two of us are the same. This can look like gluten free, screen free, meditation filled days or jam packed active weeks with 3 nights out and cocktails. Whatever works for YOU.

Finding the formula that works for you is a game changer -

Things I added into my life:

Supplementing for my blood results, not just randomly - Giving me more sleep and energy 

Walking 10k steps a day - This helps me to reset and focus with work free alone time 

Sleeping at the same time each night 

Black out blinds, temp controlled room and eye mask for sleeping 

Magnesium Threonate to aid sleep 

Morning direct sunlight to regulate circadian rhythm 

Morning mindset audio to get me in the right frame of mind for the day 

What I took away: 

Removed screens after 8pm - This has increased my sleep quality WITHOUT A DOUBT 

Gluten & Dairy, based on my blood results 

Toxic thought patterns (Deep dived into listening to what I was saying to myself!)

More awareness of WHO I spend my time with 

The result? I don't feel tired during the day because I have improved sleep and better gut function. I'm raring to go, jump into my business each morning and now I can catch myself slipping into a negative thought pattern and bounce back quicker than before. 

All of this is a process and does take time, but starting now if better than waiting even longer. TRUST ME it's worth it! These are my highlights of things I did to make changes for the better. Now I LOVE to incorporate these concepts into my coaching programs to help build entrepreneurs that are firing on all cylinders!

I decided this was so much of a game changer, I created a cheatsheet so anyone can do it themselves, and start reaping the rewards of better sleep and nutrition. It includes health recommendations, foods to swap out and how to improve your sleep! Click here to download it

To Success!

Deborah x


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